Friday, April 20, 2007

Good Friday

So, the other day I’m at dinner with my dad (Mr. Holyer-than-thou), mom, and my friend Zack.

Just so happens, Mr. and Mrs. I-Don’t-Want-To-Wait-For-Anything-Because-I’m-That-Damned-Important didn’t want to wait in the long line for a table. So I suggested that we sit in the restaurant bar. In this particular place, it also happens to be the only sports bar in the area, so, it’s not just the normal, low-key bar, it’s the local hangout low-key bar. And busy on a Friday Night. Anyway, they thought it the best option, so we took a table in the bar.

Trying to make conversation, instead of just blankly staring at each other in silence like we usually do, or having to hear about how the place is too “loud” or the service is lousy (I did say we were in a bar right?), since we had a “guest” and not have dinner be too awkward, I say “Dad, did you hear -- something horrible happened today!?!”

He looks at me and says, totally serious, expression and all, “Yes, I know what happened. 2003 years ago, they crucified and killed an innocent man.”


Ok, so sure, it happened to be Good Friday, that’s true. I don’t know where the 2003 years part came in (I think Dad phases in and out of years from time to time). I didn’t know if he was trying to be a good Aggie Dad, and I should Whoop or not. I mean, after all, wouldn’t Whooping be kinda an insult thing to do after that statement? But since it’s my class year I’m kinda required as an Aggie to Whoop. Either way, I got the point. And I didn’t Whoop.

That, AND WE WERE IN A BAR!! Who says that shit in a BAR?!?! Apparently, my dad. And what the hell am I supposed to say to that?!!?

After a few seconds of expressionless awkward silence, I finally say, “No, something much worse. Coach Billy Gillespie signed with Kentucky instead of A&M?!?!”

Dad, “Who? What does that have to do with anything?”

Me, “Nevermind.”

Zack, “I think I’m gonna get a beer.”