I'm hoping this really wasn't their idea of public restrooms:
~~Rockwall Town Square, Art Fest, 9/22/07
This is a little more me. A little more personal. The stuff that is here is either stuff I have done, things that have happened in my life, or contributions from friends. As such, entries will be few and far between, but keep looking because I’m sure you’ll enjoy.
At least once in your life, you are going to experience a Movie Moment. That time in your life where you will describe it as “just like in a movie.” It could be an adventure, a tragedy, a kiss, a friendship, a joke, or anything in between.
I am actually fortunate enough to have several Movie Moments in my life. Here is one:
It was around Thanksgiving, and I think my freshman year in high school. At the time I was attending Alba – Golden, which, if you do not know, is an extremely small school. And it’s in the middle of Nowhereville,
Alba is the type of town where everyone knows everyone else. They are in each other’s business, they go to school, work, church, the grocery store, and even the same damn doctor as their neighbor. And, most of the people are all related to each other.
Seen Varsity Blues? Then you get the idea.
Like all schools, Alba – Golden had a school library. And, just like any other school, if the teacher was too busy, or absent, or didn’t want to deal with you, then the whole class got sent there to “research.”
Doing “research” usually meant trying not to get caught doing whatever you were not supposed to be doing, but was more fun than actual research.
This particular day, it there were a few other classes in the library, and, as a result, my entire class had to sit together, at the same table.
The tables we long, wooden, probably been there since the ‘40’s. If they hadn’t been refinished by the shop class every year, then they would have been falling apart. The varnish was the only thing keeping them together, and from looking like they belonged in a dive bar.
Around the table were my 8 classmates. I can’t recall everyone, or all their names, but there was me and my lab partner, the school trouble maker at the end, 3 jocks across from us, and two other “serious” students at the other end.
Of course, the 3 jocks didn’t want to do any work, and since my lab partner and I, plus the slacker were all at the same end, we didn’t get anything done. We spent the whole afternoon joking, playing football with little paper triangles, and trying very hard not to get into any trouble.
I think every time we were going to get called down, we managed to blame it on someone else.
Like I said, I don’t remember who it was, or what exactly was said, but this moment is completely clear in my mind:
In the midst of talking about something at “our” end of the table, one of us had a “light bulb” moment -- that time where, whatever we were talking about, finally clicked. We collectively went, “OOOHHHHH!!!”
Another responded with, ”Thank god. Hallelujah!! You finally get it!!”
And at that moment, as soon as the “it” left his lips, the Hallelujah Chorus came on! And not the part that no one knows, but the loud, powerful, verse that everyone knows. It was surreal.
Silence fell over the room.
A look of disbelief took over everyone’s face. None of us wanted to admit that we were hearing it, at least, not at first. It was definitely a moment when we all were puzzled and seriously questioned our own sanity.
We all sat in the library with a look of shock on our face. Then, once the chorus actually went off, and the song kept playing for a minute or two, we all realized what was going on. Confused as to why, we laughed anyway.
After about 1 ½ minutes, the song finally went off. We all laughed about it some more, then got into trouble for being loud in the library. We relived to moment over and over, talking about our immediate thoughts and each other’s expressions.
Finally, about 5 minutes later, the probably 10th time everyone in the library got reprimanded for being loud and not getting back to work, the school secretary came over the loud speaker:
“I hate to interrupt again, but I just wanted to say that I’m SO SORRY. I have been practicing for the church’s Christmas Concert, and must have hit the intercom button and didn’t know it. I promise not to practice at work anymore. Again, so sorry to interrupt.”
Again, silence followed by an eruption of laughter.
Only to be interrupted for a 3rd time by the loud speaker and the school secretary:
“Oh, I forgot to tell ya’ll it’s in two weeks at the 1st Baptist. Everyone is more than welcome to come!! Ok, sorry again!”
And with that, class should have been over because we didn’t accomplish anything for the rest of the afternoon.
Having a “soundtrack” that afternoon is a memory I’ll never forget. It was just like something out of a movie.