Saturday, December 16, 2006

The List-Eater ΘΘ

I know it's been a while, but I found this and had to share, the whole thing still cracks me up!!

Today we salute you, Ms. 2005 Cotton Bowl Student Ticket List-eater you stand your ground against the angry masses to get your tickets, because deep down you know you are right. Carefully you stuffed that list in your mouth as if it was coated with chocolate frosting. As others looked on in sheer horror and amazement, you swallowed hard and ruined nights of dedication And even though you carry a few extra pounds, you tossed those concerns aside and devoured that slice of paper fiber goodness.

So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Ms. 2005 Cotton Bowl Student Ticket List-eater, because thanks to you, ticket window eight will now forever be remembered as ticket window "ate."

It's good to be an Alumni!!

And, for all you non Ags, Click Here to read about it or do a google search on "listeater."
For the FOX NEWS Archive, Click Here.

Here's the Video -- If you haven't seen it, it's HILARIOUS!!
